This is inspired by the song Suus by Rona Nishliu.
When you are hit by that pinching, all questioning feeling inside
that puts your heart to the test over and over again.
When your smile is in a place that you can't find anymore
and all you can think about is shouting out.
When I miss you and a tear is running down my cheeck,
that tear reminds me I'm alive.
Alive and here to take care of you and all that is us.
When I'm out of the spotlights and in the shadow.
When I think too much and disspear.
When I need you and a tear is running down my cheeck,
that tear reminds me I'm alive.
Alive and here to love you and all that is us.
When I ask myself why I'm crying and dry my eyes.
When your kiss is all that can save me
When all I can remember are good memories
and I don't want to stop and long for that special feeling
that is touching me every- and nowhere.
I shed another tear.....I'm still alive.
Alive and here for us.
very beautiful read!